In general, we will be accepting two types of submissions. CEUR-WS demands a minimum number of pages for papers to be published in proceedings. Hence, SHORT papers should be min. 5 pages and max. 6 pages + unlimited references. LONG papers should be min. 10 pages and max. 12 pages + unlimited references. We will send you evaluation results and qrels in mid June. Please reserve some space for evaluation part in your working notebook (paper) for the camera-ready version. You are very welcome to use your team name when describing your retrieval systems. Complete CLEF formatting and submission instructions can be found here: Please, do not forget the copyright form (see the CLEF instructions). One very important thing is to insert CORRECT INFORMATION AT SUBMISSION TIME IN EASYCHAIR. This means that each paper should have: - correct and complete author names, - authors listed in the correct order, - correct paper title, - all the data inserted in Easychair EXACTLY MATCHING the data in the PDF of the paper. The CEUR-WS proceedings will be produced ONLY by using the information inserted in Easychair and, therefore, it must be accurate and reflect the content of the paper.